IMPACT Properties

I Love Impact Properties: Connie Quinn


It’s time to continue our I Love IMPACT series, a campaign highlighting our amazing agents and their thoughts on working at IMPACT Properties.

Today, we’re sitting down with IMPACT agent, Connie Quinn.

Connie loves the teamwork at IMPACT Properties.

After pursuing a career in real estate, Connie took some time off but is now back and better than ever. Connie loves IMPACT because she feels supported, encouraged, and knows that she can learn and grow every day.

Let’s hear what Connie has to say:

Why do you love IMPACT Properties?
I love IMPACT Properties because it is an environment where we (agents) can grow and learn. Here at IMPACT, there are so many people here that are able and willing to help us. Whether it is our broker, a fellow REALTOR, or a staff member, there is always somebody at IMPACT Properties to aid and assist us.

What is your favorite aspect of IMPACT Properties?
The camaraderie—the team here is one of a kind and is exceptional. I enjoy working with all of them. I do not think there are any typical negative ‘agency tendencies’ here. Everybody is upfront and honest at IMPACT Properties.

Why did you join IMPACT Properties?
After coming back to real estate full-time, I joined IMPACT Properties. Real Estate is where I belong, and there is no better place to be than IMPACT Properties. I value helping people and IMPACT’s main focus is to aid and assist clients. That is why I believe IMPACT Properties is such a good fit for me. We’re here to take care of people.

What makes IMPACT Properties different?
IMPACT truly is here to help people, whether it’s their clients or agents. We value taking care of people in any way we can. At IMPACT, we are here to serve and make a difference in our communities.